Friday, February 19, 2010

This Week...

HELLO FAMILY! I haven't written for so long! This week was Interesting... Aubrey And Emily came up this Monday and Tuesday. We had TONS of fun and had a great time. Me and Aubrey stayed up pretty much all night. We were drawing on Emily's face and everything and Emily Got so mad at us! She woke up kinda half asleep and was like "GUYS! I CAN HEAR YOU GIGGLING GO TO BED!" Me and Aubrey Had a great time. We also Made some fake flowers for our hair. I also want to point out how DIFFERENT Aubrey Is!!! These Are the Reasons
1. She Is More Boy Crazy Than Me!
2. She Eats Normal
3. She is the one who Wanted to stay up all night
4. She Wears More Make-up Than Me!!
SHE IS CRAZ Y! Haha She Is so Much More Fun to hang out with.
School Is going well... I only had a 2 Day week This week. Im Really Liking it. I have no idea What to do next year.
Im also Doing an Acting Class With M friends... Were doing the Wizard of Oz. Im the Witch ;) But I Need to work on my Evil Laugh.
Last Night I Babysat Caden When Jana and Ben Went to a Meeting. We Watched Toy Story 2 And Had a Great time!
Kati Anne Also Started Her New Job At the Movie Theater. You know The TVS Behind the desk with the Music Videos? well It plays the same Song OVER AND OVER Again :) So when ever I want to Bug Kati Anne I just Sing The Song... ONE TIME>>> IM GOIN TO TELL YOU ONE TIME>>> WHEN I MET MY HEART WENT KNOCK KNOCK>>> NOW THE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH WONT STOP STOP... HAHA :)
Well I love You Guys And Update Your Blogs Soon! I will Try Harder to Do it More Often ;)


  1. So glad you updated! ANd I hadn't seen your previous update, so that was fun to read as well!
    Next time I'm over we'll practice the evil witch laugh together. MWHAHAHHAHAHA.
    Caden asked me today "Where are all Becca's cousin?s". He had fun with you guys :)
    Thanks again for watching Caden last night. It was so nice to go to the meeting and know that Caden was in good hands. We love you.

  2. YAY I am so glad you updated!! Sounds like you had a fun week. Now that Kati Anne is working, do you get to go see movies for free?? That would be cool. I'm glad you are liking school this year-good luck deciding about next year...that's a tough one. I love ya babe-let's talk soon!
