Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rebecca's New Blog

Well I decided to make a new blog because I accidentally forgot my User name and Password to the old one. So as you all probably know I'm trying out Home School this year. So far Home School is quite stressful because i started late and I'm really behind, but I'm enjoying it overall.
This Thursday was my first day of acting class again :) This time I wasn't there for the first class so i got quite a little part. Im going to be a Mysterious Italian Woman Model :) Were going to be doing the play Mousetrap were theirs a big Snow storm and were all stuck in a hotel and there's a murderer, DUH DUH DUH DUHHHH. I'm going to try to write often so I don't forget my Username and Password :)


  1. acting eh? thats exciting so where are your acting classes at?

  2. WOOHOO! I am so happy you finally made a new blog! But looks like we need to change the font color on your comments so that you can actually read them :) I'll help you with that next time I'm over at the house!!
    I hope that school is becoming less stressful for you- I'm sure it will! Love you tons babe!
